Trustin Lee (이희승) is a software engineer who enjoys designing frameworks and libraries that yield the best experience to developers. He is often known as the founder of Netty and Armeria.
I am currently involved in the following projects:
Armeria – Founder
- Armeria is a microservice framework built on top of Reactive Streams and Netty with smooth migration to reactive paradigm in mind by providing convenient integration with wide range of technologies, including gRPC, Kotlin and Spring Boot.
Netty – Founder
- Netty is the most popular asynchronous networking framework in JVM ecosystem that powers a countless number of large scale services in the industry.
You can also browse the list of the projects I was once involved in the past at the project archive.
The following is the list of the interviews I had so far.
다음은 저를 인터뷰한 기사들입니다.
- Bloter.net – March 2009
- IBM developerWorks – December 2006
The following is the list of the presentations I gave in well-known conferences and meetings.
다음은 유명 컨퍼런스나 미팅에서 발표한 발표들입니다.
JBoss Seminar 2010 (8 July 2010)
- <txp:file_download_link id=”15″>웹소켓 기반 쌍방향 메시징 (WebSocked-based bi-directional messaging)
ZDNet Korea Advanced Computing Conference 2009 (14 April 2009)
- <txp:file_download_link id=”13″>APIviz – Java API Visualizer
The 10th Korea Java Developer Conference (28 February 2009)
- <txp:file_download_link id=”11″>자바 네트워킹 기초에서 응용까지 (Java Networking – from Basics to Advanced)
JavaOne 2008 (9 May 2008)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”JavaOne2008.pdf”>Rapid Network Application Development with Apache MINA
Winter of Code Boot Camp, hosted by OpenMaru, NCsoft (5 January 2008)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”WoC2008.pdf”>오픈 소스 소개 (Introduction to Open Source) – Watch the video.
Open Source Symposium, hosted by Red Hat Korea and Daou Tech (16 October 2007)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”OSS2007.pdf”>오픈 소스 프로젝트 참여를 통한 개발자 커리어 관리 (Career Management via Open Source Project Participation)
Korea Open Source Conference, hosted by JCO (13 October 2007)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”JCOOSC2007.pdf”>JBoss Middleware 및 Remoting 프로젝트 소개 (Introduction to JBoss Middleware and Remoting project)
The 8th Korea Java Developer Conference (24 February 2007)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”JCO2007.pdf”>Apache MINA를 사용한 네트워크 어플리케이션 개발 (Network Application Development with Apache MINA)
Daum Tech Talk (Daum Corporation, 19 March 2007) / BarCamp Seoul 2006
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”BCSeoul2006.pdf”>사용자 경험 극대화를 위한 웹 서버 아키텍처 (Web Server Architecture for Maximizing User Experience)
ApacheCon Asia 2006 (Trans Asia Hotel Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16 August)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”ACAsia2006.pdf”>Introduction to MINA
ApacheCon US 2005 (Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, 13 December)
- <txp:file_download_link filename=”ACUS2005.pdf”>Introduction to MINA